
Monday 6 January 2020

Summer learning journey day 5 activity 3

These school holidays I am completing the summer learning journey which I am behind in. But I will complete most of it today and then do some blog commenting on people blogs from our Uru manuka cluster.

For this activity, please choose one person (a changemaker) and read all about them.
On your blog, provide us with:
  1. The name of the person
  2. A description of the work they do/have done
  3. An explanation of how they/their work has had an impact on the lives of others

Kelly Slater 

He does lots of surfing in gigantic waves and sometimes he might even compete against others surfing big waves.  He probably has impacted people's lives of other peoples by making them on to go out and buy a surfboard (Not cheap to buy a surfboard).  

Attribute:I got this image from here.

My next step is to write more about the topic.
Is there anything you think I could do to improve my blog posts.