
Monday 30 April 2018

why do cats purr

I wondered why cats purr. I learnt that cats purr when they are happy, hungry, , hurt , sad or cold.

I wonder now how cats purr?
 they push through there lungs and then that is how they purr.

here is a link to the site I used

It interest me when i found out that they purr when there hurt.

Friday 13 April 2018

times tables 2-9

Today I worked on my 2-9 tiimes tables I used Prototec. Here are some of my results.
 My next step is to learn my divisons.

here is my certificate

Monday 9 April 2018


the easter bunny was at the park dying eggs for easter night. She forgot that it was her mums birthday. so she quickley packed up and ran home and made a present so she didn't get told off once she had finished making her present she quickley took it to her gran's and ran back home  to pick her mum up. when she got back to her grans house with her mum they ate dinner and her mum opened her presents.Image result for easter png
because it is easter i put that photo on.

muesil bars

I was bored and had nothing to do so enjoy.