
Friday, 14 February 2020

Tangata Whenua Aoteraroa history

Hurumanu 1

For the past 3 periods we have  been focusing on how the Maoris got to Aoteraroa  and what they bought and how they got their food and where did the Maoris arrive from. I made a DlO (Digital learning object) For my DLO I made a google slide to share with you guys about Aotearoa history that I haved learned so far.

My google slide:

My next step is to learn more facts about the aoteraroa history.

I hope you enjoyed my blog post.

Is there anything you think I could do to improve my blog post?

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Lacie
    This is a fantastic DLO about the early Maori in Aotearoa. You have set this slideshow out beautifully with images on each slide and relevant facts. I especially like your slide about the Moa. You have recalled lots of interesting facts about Moa and the reasons why they sadly became extinct.
    Awesome work!
    Mrs Hastie


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